Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I used to be someone who never thought about the impact we have on the daily lives of all animals . . . but lately I am totally overwhelmed just by the thought of it.
In this busy world we live in, there is not even always time to think about the impact our ways have on other humans. Luckily, a variety of sources opened my eyes and I started to look beyond the lives of my own pets. Taking care of my own pets (who are mostly rescued stray cats) is incredibly therapeutic. I love to watch them play around the garden and I eagerly observe their unique personalities.

Animals do feel: They feel hurt, happy, sad, hungry, thirsty, lonely, tired, depressed, excited. They feel everything we feel. Sometimes I wish I had a big poster that I could hold up high for the whole world to see.
It would read ~BE KIND TO ANIMALS and change the world.

“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God.”
Luke 12:6