Thursday, May 15, 2008

All Things Bright and Beautiful

[Roy would be about twelve then and heaven only knows how old Mrs. Donovan must have been, but the big golden animal was trotting along effortlessly and his mistress, a little more bent, perhaps, and her head rather nearer the ground was doing very well. When she saw me she came over and I felt the familiar tight grip on my wrist.
"Mr. Herriot," she said, and in the dark probing eyes the pride was still as warm the triumph still as bursting new as if it had all happened yesterday.
"Mr. Herriot, haven't I made a difference to this dog!"]

I am busy reading James Herriot's All Things Bright and Beautiful. What a beautiful book filled with true stories about a man (and a vet) who appreciated every emotion life could throw at him. His unforgettable and real encounters with people and animals gives us a glimpse of how our relationship with animals and people should be.
I bought my copy from a local bookstore POWERBOOKS, Makati, Manila.

1 comment:

Ted Teodoro said...

Just a cautionary word to and the HSUS are locked into legal combat because Amazon refuses to cease the sale of pro-dogfighing books and DVDs as well as products born out of animal abuse, products lie foie gras. Amazon is actually in violation of US laws, but unfortunately it will take a lawsuit to make them change their ways. I have stopped buying from them or even recommending them. You can find a lot of info about this case on the internet. As an inveterate animal lover, I have increased my awareness of the extent and incognito forms of animal crulety in our everyday world. Good luck in your blog.